Sorry Media, Biden Did Not DOMINATE Super Tuesday
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- Created: Wednesday, 04 March 2020 08:46
- Written by Ax D. WhiteMan
Since early evening on March 3, 2020 every major media outlet that I've seen or heard has been heralding the amazing surge of Joe Biden and / or his "Dominance" of Super Tuesday elections.
Not surprisingly, the Democrat dominated media is reporting what they wish, as opposed to what is.
Yes, Joe Biden got the best of Bernie Sanders on Super Tuesday. No, Joe Biden did NOT DOMINATE. Biden won the Super Tuesday Delegate count by a score of 399 to 322. That's a 55% to 45% win, which amounts to a net gain of 77 delegates in a race that requires 1,991 Delegates to win. State by State totals below:
It's probably also worth noting that virtually all of Biden's 77 vote margin was made up from delegate gains in Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas - 5 States that will almost certainly be won by President Trump in the General Election.
Bottom line - Biden didn't dominate, the race is wide open, and there will probably be many more events that occur before anyone can predict the outcome.
Add a commentNo - Do Not Declare an Emergency at the Border
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- Created: Monday, 14 January 2019 14:16
- Written by Ax D. WhiteMan
The idea of declaring an "Emergency" under the "National Emergencies Act" in order to facilitate building a wall at the Southern Border is FOOLS GOLD. The "Act" itself is a remnant of the post Nixon era when power drunk Democrats believed there would never be another Republican President.
The dynamics of a "Government Shutdown" have been artificially skewed to favor Democrats when every real world aspect of a "Government Shutdown" should favor Republicans. This current "Shut Down" is a rare opportunity to change those dynamics.
It is largely the Democrat constituency that is adversely affected by a "Shut Down." Previous "Shut Down's" have been purposefully staged to begin immediately after a Federal Pay Period, and always end as the next Pay Period approaches. This is the first time that I can remember that a Government Employee has ever missed a paycheck. It was only 3 days ago when the Democrats really began to feel any pressure from Government Employees to end this. Declaring an Emergency would give the Democrats and out, and would allow them to claim victory. It's also unlikely that it would be a conclusive act. The Emergency Declaration would be challenged in a Court, and slow walked to the Supreme Court.
The downside of the Declaring an Emergency is to create a highly visible event that could be cited by a future Democrat President to "Declare and Emergency" to confront Climate Change, Gun Violence, Health Care Access, etc. In other words, if Emergency Declarations become the norm - get ready to turn in your SUV's, guns, and Private Sector Health Insurance.
If the Republicans were smart, (even though we know they're not) they would introduce legislation to repeal the atrocious "National Emergencies Act." The repeal would, on its face appear to be an effort to limit Trump, and Democrats would be hard pressed to oppose it (but they would). Even so, it is likely that there are enough new rogue Democrats to vote with Republicans to at least get the legislation to the Senate - where it would be a huge embarrassment for Democrats to Filibuster in order to protect the Presidents ability to declare and Emergency.
The President should be prepared to hold firm on his demand for the money to build "The Wall" and continue to answer every request to "Open the Government" with:
"You need to ask Schumer to do that, there's Funding Legislation in the Senate that I'll sign, it's been there for weeks - end the Filibuster - and the "Shut Down" is over."
In the mean time, Trump should stop calling this a "Shut Down," and start calling it the "New Normal."
Add a commentYes the FBI SHOULD investigate Blasey Ford Accusations
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- Created: Thursday, 20 September 2018 12:22
- Written by Ax D. WhiteMan
Much has been discussed about why the FBI does NOT investigate allegations such as the one levied by Christine Blasey Ford against Judge Kavanaugh. It is pointed out that this is a local law enforcement issue and a complaint needs to be filed at the local level police or sheriff's department. Both practical and physical limitations make this impossible.
In a practical sense, if one was to show up today, at a typical urban police department with evidence of a crime such as the video evidence of someone stealing your car - you'd be asked to fill out some paper work and go home. Your evidence would go into a file, and the "investigation" would begin - and end. That is, if they ever stumbled across your car, they'd call you. If your alleged crime was a physical assault, and you couldn't specifically identify the time and place of the assault - your "investigation" would never begin. In either event, there is NO possibility of this investigation starting on a local level.
The accusation in itself is unclear. The clearest description of the event we've found is "pulling her into a room at a house party. He tore at her clothes and bathing suit and stifled her yell for help." There is no stated location, there is no stated date, there are no named witnesses, (except one who's denied any recollection of any such event) and there is no physical evidence. This makes the path of investigation incredibly clear, and the investigation should begin immediately.
The only point at which to begin this investigation is with a formal FBI interview of Ms. Ford.
No need for her to inconvenience herself. An agent should show up at her door this morning, another should show up at the door of Senator Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein. Ms Ford should be informed that the FBI is investigating her charges and the only place to begin is by interviewing her and establishing the basis of the accusation. It should be made clear to Ms. Ford that if she provides any misleading or untrue information during this interview, she risks charges of lying to a Federal Investigator. No small matter, just ask Martha Stewart. If during this investigation, Ms. Ford can provide further information that needs to be investigated, such as a specific time, date, and place of the event - or name additional witnesses; the FBI should trace down and investigate each of those specific points to see where they lead.
Simultaneously, another FBI agent should question Senator Feinstein as to her role in these accusations.
When did she receive the accusatory letter from Ms. Ford?
From who did she receive it ?
Was this just dropped into a letter box by Ms. Ford with the hope that it might be read some day?
Was it hand delivered to Senator Feinstein via an intermediary?
if so, who was this person?
All of these aspects of this case need to be investigated, because this is not really the investigation of an event from 35, 36, or 37 years ago (she's not really sure which would apply) - it's an event that occurred sometime in July when Ms. Ford wrote and sent an accusatory letter to Senator Feinstein. It cannot be assumed, that with the balance of power in the Supreme Court at stake, that there is NO possibility that this accusation was fraudulently produced, and to do so knowingly is in fact a crime. Further, if the people involved knowingly collaborated in this criminal activity; it constitutes a conspiracy to defraud. Serious business in the world of Federal Sentencing.
So yes, lets start the FBI investigation. Ms. Ford, it starts with you - and we'll see where it goes.
UPDATE: 9/29/2018
So, it appears we will get an FBI investigation. This brings to mind two questions...
1. What will be investigated?
Will they be investigating the specific charges of Dr. Ford, will they be investigating all of the seemingly unfounded charges against Judge Kavanaugh, will they be investigating the friends of the judge, and most importantly, will they be investigating the credibility of the accusations and the accusers?
As stated in the original post, will they investigate the potential criminal conspiracy to commit fraud that might include members of Congress, Congressional staff, and media?
2. Which FBI will be conducting the investigation?
We obviously have at least 2 FBI's. One FBI can review tens of thousands of emails on Anthony Weiner's computer and within 72 hours determine "nothing to see here", and move on.
The OTHER FBI can take a case with NO evidence, then MANUFACTURE some evidence, and continue the investigation indefinitely insisting that they must look for MORE evidence; as in the case of the 2 plus years of investigation into the alleged "collusion" between the Trump campaign and "Russia."
If the FBI that cleared Weiner/Abedine in 72 hours is doing the investigation; Kavanaugh will be confirmed by this time next week.
If the OTHER FBI does the investigation, this investigation will never be completed, and U.S. will be one step closer to Tyranny, or a violent Civil uprising.
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NBA Playoffs - The Greatest Show on Earth
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- Created: Saturday, 14 April 2018 17:21
- Written by Ax D. WhiteMan
The NBA post season starts today. Or perhaps, the NBA "real season" starts today. In either event, it's become the best sporting event in America. It seems the NBA has either learned how to make it's sport the best entertainment product in the world - or maybe just how to not muck it up.
A few observations as to why...
1. They're just so damn good. It's beyond debate that the NBA is made up of freaks of nature who possess natural physical attributes far beyond the average man. In addition, the level of excellence required to succeed in this craft demands a dedication and work ethic that dwarfs the demands of a normal occupation. The result is a cast of participants that leave us awe struck with their talent - even while we open a beer and say, "That guy sucks." The athleticism and skill in every game is nothing short of spectacular.
2. They've (mostly) avoided politics. Sure, there's the occasional dust up - as in Lebron vs. Ingraham; but largely the virtue signaling is avoided. We've all got plenty of places to go for social and political differences. It's "great" to just watch "greatness."
3. The "Survivor" aspect. The NBA is now a 12 month sport. About 6 months of regular season. 6 - 7 weeks of playoffs / Finals. About 4 months of "Survivor" - which continues at some level throughout the Season and Playoffs. Similar to the Survivor reality show which is based on both physical competition and social game play; NBA players and coaches ALWAYS have a back story running that creates interest and complexity not found in any other sport. This is where the individual personalities emerge instead of the team. With only 5 players on the floor at a time, and post game interviews a requirement - fans actually make a connection with their favorite players; giving depth and feeling to the on going "drama" in each back story. These back stories are usually about free agency plans; but often include which player is creating an "alliance" with another player to make an off season move. Or sometimes it's just which player is ticked off at his team or management. Last year Kyrie, got in a funk in Cleveland and wanted out. James Harden shut down inexplicably in game 6 against the Spurs. This year Kawhi is in a funk and nobody knows whats up with him. A few years ago Rajon Rondo seemingly went on strike - while on the floor - during the playoffs. All of this adds to the level of interest all season - and it builds to a peak as the playoffs begin.
4. The BEST Playoff structure - BY FAR. This is a big one. It starts with a bang. Four games a day, today and tomorrow, all played back to back to back. This is a feast for hard core "binge watchers." But better yet, it doesn't stop. It doesn't fold the tent and go away til next weekend like NFL, or now NCAA. It just keeps going. Every day, every night - early game, late game, prime time game - each series developing its own back story; the action never stops - doesn't even slow down - until The Finals. By the time The Finals start, even if your team isn't participating; you've gotten to know the starting lineups of each contender, and who you might want to see in your teams uniform the next year.
With the opening tip-off only a few hours away, I'm looking forward to my Cavs continued dominance in the East, and hoping for a surprise showing from the Spurs in the West. But even if each makes an early exit - I'll be watching almost as closely to see who finally prevails - and how it all effects the "Survivor" portion to be played out this Summer.
Kudos to the NBA Playoffs - The Greatest Show on Earth
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