SCOTUS, Trayvon, validate Snowden decision
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- Created: Saturday, 29 June 2013 17:40
- Published: Saturday, 29 June 2013 17:40
- Written by Ax D. WhiteMan
Yes, these three seemingly unrelated events share a common thread. That is the fundamental breakdown of our legal institutions. The rule of law has been brazenly abandoned, and replaced with rule by aggravated public opinion.
Those citizens of California who sought to protect the 5,000+ year old, undisputed definition of marriage; used every conceivable legal step to codify this obvious truth. After spending millions in campaigns and legal challenges, SCOTUS dismissed them as being "without standing." In addition, the majority opinion responded directly to those who continually incite and "aggravate" public opinion by branding all those who disagree with the majority has having no basis other than bigotry.
George Zimmerman, by all accounts (even the prosecutions witnesses) fired a fatal shot at Trayvon Martin while being physically battered by Martin. This act is within the right of self-defense in EVERY jurisdiction in this country. The original investigation by local authorities confirmed Zimmerman's story and did not charge him. Enter the "aggravators of public opinion" who clearly altered images, recordings, and lied to whip the low information masses into a frenzy over a perceived injustice.
Zimmerman may be found "not guilty." His life is none the less diminished as he will live in hiding for decades.
Those who legally amended the California State Constitution were found to be "without standing" and ultimately defeated.
Still, there are those that believe that Eric Snowden had some other recourse than flight after blowing the whistle on a massive public eavesdropping operation.
Snowden is neither hero or Patriot. He's simply an informant. He informed the public of Governmental intrusions into privacy that are repugnant to all but the most dim witted among us. Many have said that Snowden should submit to the "rule of law" and accept the consequences of his behaviour. The events of the past week demonstrate irrefutably that the "rule of law" in America is dead. His flight was the only possibility of preserving his life and some degree of liberty.
We can thank SCOTUS and the Zimmerman prosecution for making that clear.
Add a commentPending Bill IS a Federal Gun Registry
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- Created: Saturday, 23 March 2013 20:14
- Published: Saturday, 23 March 2013 20:25
- Written by Ax D. WhiteMan
The Senate will soon take up consideration of Legislation that is being called "Universal Background Check" legislation.
It is, in fact; the introduction of a Federal Registry for firearms.
As has become common, the malicious nature of the legislation is cloaked in seemingly innocent language. In this case:
(a) In General- Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end--
‘(aa) It shall be unlawful for any person who lawfully possesses or owns a firearm that has been shipped or transported in, or has been possessed in or affecting, interstate or foreign commerce, to fail to report the theft or loss of the firearm, within 24 hours after the person discovers the theft or loss, to the Attorney General and to the appropriate local authorities.’.
It is clearly impossible to enforce such a clause without a "Registration" of guns and their registered owners. As has also become common, such a "Registry" will be mandated by a "rule" rather than a law. This will be done through the which ever agency President Obama wishes to designate as the enforcement arm of this law.
For those who find nothing wrong with a Federal Gun Registry, understand that such a "Registry" is always the first step toward confiscation.
For those who find no problem with confiscation, understand that it is always the first step toward tyranny. Tyranny which will eventually include summary execution of dissidents.
No, not today. Probably not even in our lifetime. The founders were remarkable in their ability to attempt to devise a political "system" that place limitations on government, such that it not require that voters always chose correctly. This seems to be lost on much of the population. It seems a combination of historical ignorance and wiling naivety has created a voting class incapable of thinking beyond the present.
So for those who find no problem with the confiscation of fire arms; here's to your future.....
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