Perry Sends Texas Guard to the Border - Yippee!

Amid much media hoopla, in a strategically planned announcement; Texas Governor Rick Perry proclaimed he was "taking action" to address the current crisis at the U.S. border - by sending 1,000 Texas Guardsmen to the border.


So, what will these guard be doing?

Stopping people crossing the border and preventing them from ever entering the U.S.? 

-er well, uh no. they won't be doing that.

Quickly apprehending them and sending them back across the border?

-a, well no, they won't be doing that either.

They'll be grabbing up those darned illegals and turning them in to Federal Authorities, where they'll be handled EXACTLY as they were yesterday, and the day before. 

So will this do any good?

Sure, it will get Rick Perry a lot of attention, a good deal of campaign contributions, and push him toward the front of the early running for the 2016 GOP Presidential Nomination.



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Low Expectations for Benghazi Select Committee

I'd like to be enthused at the prospect of the brilliant pit bull prosecutor Trey Gowdy conducting an aggressive in-depth investigation into Benghazi and its related lies and cover ups.

But I just can't.

It seems this is just another in a long series of GOP Kubuki theatre events.

Remember Boehner explaining how he was against the "shut down" before he was for it?

Seems like much more of the same. Boehner buckled to political pressure to finally call for a select committee - and now will make sure that it doesn't have any real impact.

Boehner has already lectured us on not "Politicizing" the committee. This, while Democrats are lining up at every available mic to "politicize" this as a brazen, meaningless, partisan witch hunt.

Then there's the actual bill, H. RES. 36 which seems to go out of it's way to avoid investigating the "cover up" and rather focuses on finding "what went wrong" and how to "avoid future attacks." 

Only item 7 of the H.RES. 36 even remotely refers to the lies and obfuscation that have surrounded Benghazi since it occurred.:

(7) any other relevant issues relating to the attack or the response to the attack.

Combine the above with the typically ridiculous time limits on questioning, the stone-walling, the Democrat speech making, and it's easy to see this committee becoming a future talking point of the Hillary campaign "proving" there is no scandal.

I hope I'm wrong, but this is really looking more like a typical "white wash" committee to get this off the table as soon as possible - clearing the way for Hillary 2016


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Super Bowl Depends on Officiating

The winner of today's game will depend on officiating. That's much of what's wrong with football today. In general, there is no objective reality. We're told nothing is real until it's been reviewed and interpreted-only then do we know if we saw what we saw. 

But specifically the outcome of this game will depend on whether or not the Seahawks secondary is allowed to hit receivers beyond the 5 yard limit, hold, and hit receivers prior to the catch. 

The Seattle secondary has become the Lebron of the NFL. They're reputation as "the best" secondary seems to have earned them the honor of having the rules bent on their favor. 

Put simply. If the game is called honestly - the broncos can't lose.  If it's called the way the rest of the playoffs have been called - the broncos can't win. 

Just wanted to be on the record before the game. 

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The Purpose of the Establishment GOP - 2016

So, in return for caving on the Cruz lead ObamaCare shut-down, the debt ceiling, and every other attempt to curb the excesses of Government; be they NSA spying, IRS harassment, EPA land grabs, or Executive lawlessness - The Republicans get what?

The Era of Austerity - is over !

Yep, you heard it right. The overspending, budget busting, deficit soaring to heights heretofore unimaginable Obama Administration - has just proclaimed - "We're done with penny pinching."

This compels one to ask,

"What purpose is served by Republican control of the House of Representatives -which has Constitutional authority to control spending?"

I've honestly racked brains on this. It's become painful to recall the enthusiasm of 2010 when we all thought we were ONE Senate seat and a handful of House Seats away from repealing ObamaCare, Balancing the Budget, and stopping the Obama agenda cold.

Yes, remember that loud, proud, vocal bunch of small Government advocates? 

I remember them, and wonder what they've become. At last, I believe I've found a way to describe the role and function for which the current GOP sees itself. It something like the role of Vaseline. It seems that is the battle cry the GOP wants to carry into the 2016 mid-terms.You Know the Government will ream your ass - just think how bad it would hurt without enough of "US" around - GOP 2016 "The Vaseline Party"

So, for those of you in the Ann Coulter, Thomas Sowell, camp who wonder why we cheer for Cruz, Paul & Lee and support;  Bevin, McDaniel, Stovall, and Pierson over McConnell, Cochran, Cornyn, and Sessions - The answer is fairly simple.

We're tired of getting screwed, and being told to be grateful to the GOP for making it less painful.

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What Motivates the GOP on Immigration?

It just doesn't make sense.

The GOP is pushing "immigration reform" - code word "amnesty." The end result of which will increase Democrat voter registration by millions. 

The theories abound. We're told we must "get the issue off the table."


It will only be replaced with the next issue we'll be told we have to "get off the table."

Some believe that the GOP are acting according to the whims of wealthy industrialist donors who want cheap labor, and they'll be rewarded with patronage positions after they're voted out of office.


But we wish to pose yet another theory.

Lets call it the "Brady Quinn Syndrome."

Apologies to Mr. Quinn - who by all accounts is a fine person and an outstanding athlete, but...

Brady Quinn entered the NFL with great fanfare and expectations. He's just never been able to be the number one quarterback. He's had a 7 year NFL career. Rarely takes a snap, or a hit; makes tons of money; is still a hometown hero and generally enjoys all the benefits of being an NFL player. He also never gets the blame for the loss, never has to do a post game press conference and probably isn't even that concerned about concussions.

I can't help but feel like the GOP leadership just prefers to take a back seat to the Democrats, never risk having to defend their policy choices, and enjoy the enormous trappings of power that accompany be a House or Senate member. Decades of gerrymandering make the majority of the seats safe, with the only danger being a Tea Party challenge.

Not surprisingly, the only time the GOP leadership shows any degree of hostility - it's to potential Tea Party challengers.

So, again with apologies to Brady Quinn, the GOP seems to be seriously afflicted with "Brady Quinn Syndrome."


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Read more: What Motivates the GOP on Immigration?